Visa Guides

Austria Job Seeker VISA – Eligibility, Process

Austria’s Red-White-Red Card system offers different types of work visas to draw highly skilled workers for jobs that need them. This includes the Job Seeker Visa, which is meant to give highly qualified international people the freedom to come to Austria to look for work.

Because Austria’s Job Seeker Visa programme has had some small changes made to its points system, list of shortage occupations, financial requirements, and application process in 2024,. This piece will give you an up-to-date, detailed look at the Austrian Job Seeker Visa’s purpose, benefits, eligibility requirements, job sectors, prices, application process, and conversion process.

Purpose and Benefits of the Austrian Job Seeker Visa

Purpose : The Job Seeker Visa’s main goal is to bring highly skilled workers from outside the EU to Austria, even if they don’t have a job offer yet. With this visa, people can visit Austria and look for work for a certain amount of time.


  • Job Search: People who have this document can look for work in Austria for six months.
  • Multiple Entries: The visa lets you enter Austria more than once while it is still good.
  • Way to Get a Red-White-Red Card: If you find a job within six months, you can change your visa into a Red-White-Red Card, which is a work and residence card.

Eligibility Criteria for This VISA

People who want to get a Job Seeker Visa must meet the following requirements:

  • Points-Based System: You need at least 70 points based on your age, qualifications, work experience, language skills, and ability to change.
  • Financial Means: Show that you have enough money to live on while you’re in Austria, which costs €948.64 a month right now.
  • Health Insurance: Make sure you have legal health insurance that covers your whole stay.
  • Clean Criminal Record: Show proof of good behaviour from your home country.

Points Required for Austrian job seeker visa in 2024?

If you want to apply for an Austrian Job Seeker Visa in 2024, you must get at least 70 points from the following:

1# Special Qualifications and Skills (Max 40 points):

  • 20 points if you have a university degree (at least 4 years).
  • 30 points for a degree in MINT topics like math, IT, the natural sciences, or technology.
  • 40 points for a PhD or post-doctoral degree.
  • 20 to 30 points for a high salary in top management.
  • 20 points for research and innovation efforts like patents and publications.
  • Awards (prizes that are known): 20 points.

2# Work Experience (Max 20 points):

  • Twenty hours of work each year: two points.
  • Worked in Austria for six months: 10 points.

3# Language Skills (Max 10 points):

  • English or German (A1 level): 5 points.
  • 10 points for stronger basic English or German (A2 level).
  • Five points for being able to speak French, Spanish, Bosnian, Croatian, or Serbian on your own (B1 level).

4# Age (Max 20 points):

  • Up to 35 years old: 20 points
  • Up to 40 years old: 15 points
  • Up to 45 years old: 10 points

5# Studies in Austria (Max 10 points):

  • 5 points, which is half of the certificate program or half of the ECTS points.
  • 10 points if you have finished a training program or a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree.

You can calculate your points here

Job Occupations Allowed Under Austrian Job Seeker VISA

People with a Job Seeker Visa can apply for jobs on the skill shortage list (Reference) that match their qualifications and skills. The job must meet the following requirements to be qualified for the Red-White-Red Card:

  • Shortage Occupations: The job should really be listed as a career in short supply in Austria. On the official AMS website, you can find the list.
  • Minimum Salary: The job should offer a pay level that meets the minimum requirements for the position.
  • Relevant Qualifications: The job must fit the skills and experience of the applicant.
  • Employment Contract: You must have a valid work contract with a company in Austria.

Costs Involved: This is how much the Austrian Job Seeker Visa costs:

  • Application Fee: €150
  • Additional Fees: Can apply to have documents translated and certified.

How Can You Apply for Job Seeker VISA for Austria in 2024?

The following steps must be taken in order to apply for a Job Seeker Visa:

Conversion of Job Seeker Visa to Red-White-Red Card Work VISA

Once you have a job offer, you need to change your Job Seeker Visa into a Red-White-Red Card (Reference) in order to properly work and live in Austria. This process includes:

  • Submit Application: As soon as you find a job here, you should send the application to the visa office in charge (MA 35).
  • Required Documents: Bring a valid job contract, proof of your qualifications, proof of your ability to pay, and proof that you have health insurance.
  • Processing Time: The Red-White-Red Card takes a while to process, so it’s important to apply on time.


The Austrian Job Seeker Visa is a one-of-a-kind chance for highly educated professionals to look for work in Austria. People can use this visa to possibly get a job and move on to a long-term work and residence pass under the Red-White-Red Card system if they meet the requirements and follow the application process.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the Austrian Job Seeker Visa?

    People from outside the EU who are highly skilled can get an Austrian Job Seeker Visa and come to Austria to look for work for up to six months without having a job offer first.

  2. What are the benefits of the Job Seeker Visa?

    The perks include being able to stay in Austria for six months while looking for work, entering the country more than once while the visa is valid, and the option to change the visa into a Red-White-Red Card if a job is found.

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