Visa Guides

Ireland General Employment Permit 2024 – Application Process

Ireland is swiftly emerging as a preferred location for professionals, both from the European Union and outside, in search of lucrative employment opportunities and a streamlined visa application procedure. Ireland, renowned for its robust economy, especially in the technology, finance, and pharmaceutical industries, provides favorable remuneration and significant prospects for professional advancement. Google and Pfizer, among other multinational corporations, have established their European headquarters in Dublin, generating an abundance of lucrative employment opportunities. As an additional benefit, Ireland’s elevated standard of living and advantageous tax policies render it an alluring location for professionals seeking career progression.

The country’s attractiveness is further enhanced by its streamlined visa processes. The General Employment Permit (GEP) and Critical Skills Employment Permit offer unambiguous avenues for non-EU citizens to secure employment in Ireland, featuring uncomplicated application processes and fostering environmental policies. These permits serve the dual purpose of facilitating job mobility and facilitating family reunification during the relocation process. When combined with Ireland’s abundant cultural legacy, exceptional educational system, and hospitable society, it emerges as an exceptional destination for global professionals seeking to flourish in a vibrant and gratifying setting.

The General Employment Permit (GEP) in Ireland serves as an essential channel for international talent, facilitating the connection between skill deficiencies in the domestic workforce and providing employers with a wider range of potential candidates. A comprehensive comprehension of the complexities of the GEP is crucial, whether one is contemplating employing international professionals or aiming to establish Ireland as a future career destination.

Purpose of the General Employment Permit:

By attracting experienced workers from non-EU/EEA nations, the GEP aims to promote economic expansion and alleviate labor shortages in a variety of sectors. This practice guarantees that enterprises can secure the necessary personnel even in the absence of local candidates, all the while preserving equitable employment standards and protecting regional labor markets.

Eligibility Criteria:

To qualify for the GEP, the following essential requirements must be fulfilled:

  • Eligible Job: The occupation in question must not be included on the list of occupations that are ineligible for employment permits.
  • Labor Market Needs Test: To demonstrate that they are unable to occupy the position with an EEA citizen, the employer must have conducted a Labor Market Needs Test.
  • Minimum Salary: The position requires a minimum annual salary of €30,000, although certain occupations and recent graduates may be extended with an exception.
  • Minimum Salary: The applicant is required to possess the skills, qualifications, and experience that are deemed essential for the position.
  • Employer: The employer is required to be in business in Ireland and to be duly registered with both the Companies Registration Office and Revenue.
  • 50:50 Regulation: A minimum of 50% of the organization’s current workforce must originate from the EEA.

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Benefits of Ireland General Employment Permit:

  • Access to Employment Opportunities: Non-EEA nationals are granted the ability to engage in a diverse array of occupations in Ireland through the General Employment Permit. This grants individuals entry into employment prospects across a multitude of sectors, encompassing technology, healthcare, finance, engineering, and more.
  • Pathway to Permanent Residency: A General Employment Permit may serve as a stepping stone toward obtaining permanent residency in Ireland. Permit holders who labor in Ireland for a specified period may qualify to apply for long-term residency and, ultimately, citizenship.
  • Benefits and Competitive Salaries: Ireland is renowned for its comprehensive benefits packages and competitive salaries. Constantly included in the attractive compensation packages that Irish employees receive are health insurance, retirement plans, paid leave, and additional benefits.
  • High Quality of Life: Ireland provides an exceptional standard of living, characterized by its superior healthcare, education, and social services systems. The nation’s renowned picturesque surroundings, dynamic urban centers, and abundant cultural legacy all contribute to the elevated standard of living experienced by its inhabitants.
  • Work-Life Balance: Irish labor laws regulate parental leave, paid leave, and working hours to promote work-life balance. This promotes a healthy equilibrium between work and personal life among employees.
  • Assistance to Families: Holders of permits are permitted to transport their family members to Ireland. The ability for spouses, companions, and dependent children to accompany the permit holder facilitates family reunification and settlement in Ireland.
  • Professional and Cultural Advancement: Employment in Ireland offers a unique chance to encounter a different culture, interact with individuals from various origins, and cultivate one’s professional skills within an innovative and dynamic setting. Numerous multinational corporations and a flourishing business ecosystem are headquartered in Ireland.
  • Social Security and Benefits: Employees in Ireland are eligible to receive a range of social benefits, such as illness benefits, unemployment benefits, and pensions, which contribute to the social security system. These benefits afford workers financial support and stability.
  • Educational Opportunities: Ireland boasts a highly regarded education system that encompasses universities and institutions of international renown. Permit holders and their families are granted access to superior educational opportunities spanning from elementary to tertiary levels.
  • Stability and Safety: Ireland is renowned for its amicable communities, secure political climate, and secure environment. The nation offers a safe and hospitable setting for both individuals and families.
  • Networking and Career Advancement: The opportunity to work in Ireland facilitates the development of professional networks, the acquisition of global experience, and the improvement of career prospects. A dynamic labor market provides prospects for individuals to progress in their careers and enhance their professional growth.
  • Renewal and Adaptability: The General Employment Permit is subject to renewal and is typically valid for a maximum of two years. Permit holders are afforded latitude and stability in their pursuit of maintaining employment and residency in Ireland.

Application Process:

While the GEP application process is streamlined, meticulous attention to detail is still necessary.

  • Assemble Documentation: Accumulate all requisite papers: assemble your passport, job offer letter, qualifications verification, and evidence of the Labour Market Needs Test.
  • Application Submission: The Employment Permit Online System (EPOS) ( is utilized for the online submission of applications. You are guided through each stage by the system to ensure that you fulfill all requirements.
  • Processing: The application processing order is sequential from the date of reception. Additional information must be supplied within 28 days, if necessary. Although processing periods can differ, it is customary for decisions to be rendered within several months.
  • Registration and Approval: To obtain your Irish Residence Permit (IRP), you are required to register with the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS) within 30 days from the date of approval (source:

Ireland GEP Work Permit Fees:

The duration of a General Employment Permit will determine its cost:

  • Up to 6 months: €500
  • Up to 24 months: €1,000

Renewal expenses are elevated, amounting to €1,500 for 36 months and €750 for six months. 90% of the application fee is refunded in the event of denial.

Bringing Family:

After twelve months of holding a GEP, one may apply to transfer their family to Ireland. Each family member requires an individual visa, and proof of adequate income to sustain them is required.

Changing Employers in Ireland after Obtaining Your GEP:

Twelve months of initial employment with their first employer is required of GEP bearers. They are then permitted to transfer employers by submitting a new GEP application, provided that all requirements are met.

A comprehensive framework, the General Employment Permit in Ireland strikes a balance between the requirements of international professionals and those of businesses. It facilitates the integration of proficient laborers into the Irish economy in a structured manner, while concurrently affording safeguards and prospects for employers and employees alike. A comprehensive grasp of the GEP’s prerequisites and procedures is crucial for effectively capitalizing on this opportunity.

  1. Is it easy to get a work permit for Ireland?

    Entry into the Republic of Ireland is governed by strict rules for non-EU, non-EEA, and non-Swiss nationals. The issuing of work visas will be limited to highly skilled jobs or those in which the Republic of Ireland is experiencing a skills shortage.

  2. How to get a general work permit in Ireland?

    The application process involves using the Employment Permits Online System (EPOS) to submit the necessary documentation. You can apply with the help of the General Employment Permit Checklist. You or your employer are required to remit a payment of €1,000. You will receive 90% of your application fee back if your application is rejected.

  3. How long does it take to get an employment permit in Ireland?

    Before applying, the Ireland work permit processing fee must be paid. It requires online payment through a debit or credit card. Here are the Ireland visa costs. The processing time for an Ireland work permit takes about thirteen weeks.

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